COBA in the World
Belgium | Bulgaria | Spain | France | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Netherlands | Portugal | Turkey
North Africa and Middle East
Algeria | China (Macau) | United Arab Emirates | Georgia | Iraq | Jordan | Libya | Morocco | Oman | Pakistan | Qatar | Tunísia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Angola | Benim | Cape Verde | Cameroon | Eswatini | Gabon | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Conakry | Guinea-Equatorial | Malawi | Mali | Mozambique | Namíbia | Republic of Congo | São Tomé e Príncipe | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Southern Sudan | Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia
Argentina | Bahamas | Bolivia | Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica | Equador | Haiti | Panama | Peru | Dominican Republic | Venezuela
New Challenges
One of the greatest challenges of our time is the achievement of a sustainable energy transition. The goal of carbon neutrality for 2050 has brought to the agenda the need for society to change its current energy model in a short period of time.
The COBA Group is fully committed to this goal, contributing towards social and economic development through solutions based on clean energies.
Although climate change affects us all, it is in the southern hemisphere, where some of our major markets are located, that climate change is most strongly felt.
While we cannot prevent climate change, we can mitigate its main effects on populations through engineering solutions. COBA contributes towards studying solutions that reduce the nefarious consequences of climate change.
Sustainability of resources is strongly embedded in everything we do.
The pressure brought about by the increased world population and its welfare compels us, as engineers, to find solutions in which the reduction, reuse and recycling of raw materials is a constant concern for COBA.
Innovation and R&D
Innovation, recycling of materials and the development of more efficient and sustainable construction methods will most certainly be determining factors in the future of engineering. We are committed to leading engineering in the Information Age, investing in new approaches to future challenges.
COBA started in 2015 the path to digitalization, using BIM processes and technologies as the main driver of transformation...
The Project proposes a cross-cutting approach to the entire construction industry, underpinned by the fundamental R&D pillars....
Through the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method, to develop new numerical analysis models for the simulation and characterisation of...
Research and development of an innovative solution that enables...